Juweriya Hassen - Green Card Voices

Juweriya Hassen

After struggling with her family in Ethiopia, Juweriya Hassen, is grateful and happy to be in Wisconsin with the opportunities for an education.

Born in Somalia, Juweriya Hassen experienced the dangers of war at a very young age. Due to violence and bombings close to her home, Juweriya’s mother decided it would be best for them to seek refuge in Ethiopia. Ethiopia had other dangers: undomesticated animals roaming freely, especially lions and hyenas. In Ethiopia they also did not have a house; they had to create living spaces out of clothes. Her mom would stay up at night to protect them from hyenas.

The nine years in Ethiopia were very hard. They had to walk over two hours to the United Nations to get food and other needs. Her family was excited and hopeful when they learned they would be moving to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Although America proved to be a dream come true, Juweriya still had to adjust to difficult weather and snow for the first time. Nevertheless, she was grateful for a safer and cleaner environment as well as the new luxuries of going to school, riding the bus, and obtaining food conveniently.

Now, Juweriya lives with her mom, two brothers and five sisters. They work together to take care of the house and young children. Juweriya plans to become a lawyer in the future.