Donate - Green Card Voices


GCV annually and frequently participates in GiveMN’s campaigns. Please consider giving towards our important work by clicking on the image below.


Please make your tax-deductible contribution by sending your check payable to Green Card Voices at 2611 1st Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55408.


Donate towards GCV through PayPal by clicking on the image below.

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To provide a direct donation over the phone, please call the Finance and Operations Director, Aaliyah Hannah, at 773-225-2185.

Thus far we’ve interviewed and recorded stories of over 500 immigrants from all walks of life. The immigrants come from 140 countries spanning over six continents. Our goal is to build the largest video library of immigrants’ stories in America in the years to come. We ask for your help to fulfill the promise of Green Card Voices. We are confident that with your support, Green Card Voices will succeed in reframing the national dialogue surrounding immigration. THANK YOU!

Green Card Voices knows every immigrant has a story. In thinking about how to facilitate a dialogue that helps to replace bias and intolerance with understanding and acceptance, Green Card Voices came to a simple, yet profound, solution: Share as many immigrant stories with as many people as we can. So, please, help us record immigrants’ stories and impact our communities!

You may designate your donation for:

  1. Where the need is greatest
  2. Filming new stories (you may suggest a nationality, gender, age)
  3. Recording student stories in a city of your choice
  4. Publishing costs for new “Green Card Youth Voices”
  5. Traveling Photo Exhibit in the libraries
  6. School Curriculum

Current highest funding need: Printing and Publication